Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cowboy Toyota and Text Messaging

We are currently in the market for a minivan. Yes a "minivan"! I was on Cowboy Toyota's website to learn more about their current deals and a cloud box was floating across their screen with a special offer. All you have to do is text "Cowboy" to "35555". So I did and got a response right away with a phone number and a link to their mobile site. I would have liked a response that asked what kind of make/model I am interested in. I am curious to see how they will further engage me in choosing their dealership????? We will see......

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chuck E. Cheese using Text to Join the Club

My daughter just turned 2 so we took her to Chuck E. Cheese.  She loved it and had a blast.  I was enjoying my soda and noticed their cool campaign they have for their email club.  Using text to join the club is genius.  All you have to do is text your email address to 35505 and you can receive exclusive coupons and activities.  Busy parents live on their phones and this is a great way to notify parents with good information. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

recruitDC 2010: Generation Mobile: Diverse. Connected. On the go.

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Vote via Text on The Sing Off

The Sing Off has been a show me and my wife enjoy watching because these people have pure talent.  One of our favorite groups is Committed because every one of them can sing, even the ones that do the beat boxing.  You can vote for you favorite group via Text using the short code "97979".  Of course we voted via text and we look forward to the finale on Monday.  I have noticed TV has embraced adding the benefits of text messaging.  Lately I have seen a lot of commercials incorporating text messaging to get information about their products.  Cool stuff!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Saddleback Church and Text Messaging

Religious organizations are always looking at ways to increase their membership and keep their current membership engaged.  Saddleback Church is one of the largest and most influential churches in America.  They have implemented a text messaging campaign to increase interactivity and increase membership.  It has worked wonders for them.  I think more religious organizations should seriously consider Text Messaging.  Text messages can be sent to members before services or events to increase attendance, they can also deliver reminders for certain festivities.  They spend millions on paper bulletins that often get thrown away the same day, using text messages could save them a lot of money. 

Friday, December 10, 2010

106.1 KISS Text!

106.1 KISS-FM is a great radio station because it's one that both me and my wife can agree on.  They have a KISS Text program that is really unique because of its real time engagement.  It's easy to join - text "JOIN" to "51737".  The really cool part is what happens next.  Usually when I hear a great song on the radio and I don't know who it is you basically have to wait until the next time it plays.  With KISS Text you can text "NOW PLAYING" to 51737, and it sends you the song information.  HOW COOL IS THAT!!!  You can also send "CONCERTS" "CD" and "MOVIES" to 51737 and get answers quickly about each subject.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chick-Fil-A Text Insider!!

I would eat Chick-Fil-A Monday-Saturday if I could, if they where open on Sunday's it would be 7 days a week! You can sign up to be a Chick-fil-A Text Insider and receive special announcements and exclusive promotions. Their is one close to my house and I will definitely stop by the next time I receive a text with an exclusive promotion. Go to the following link for more information on their Text Insider program -

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Text to donate to The American Red Cross

The American Red Cross is truly engaged in the mobile arena. Their are tons of ways to donate to them but their "Text Haiti" program changed the way donors could give and it was wildly successful. First of all, lots of people participated, and now they have a huge pool of opted-in subscribers they can target for future fundraising projects. This Holiday season donors can text the keyword "GIFT" to 90999 and donate $25.00 to support the organization. Please visit their American Red Cross Text Donations page to see the many different options to support them.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Text "JimmyV" to "85944" and donate to Cancer Research

Jimmy Valvano embodied passion and commitment. He started The V Foundation to eradicate Cancer. He will always be remembered for his memorable speech and the quote "Don't Give Up.....Don't Ever Give Up!"

You can donate money simply by texting "JimmyV" to "85944".

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Toys "R" Us reaching parents via Text Messages

I think Toys "R" Us, Inc. is making a brilliant move with their Mobile Messaging campaign.  I have two young children and we find ourselves at Babies "R" Us a lot.  I am always looking for deals especially on diapers and food.  An article from Digital Journal discusses how Toys "R" Us is Catering to On-The-Go Shoppers Just in Time for the Holiday Season.

I think Prama Bhatt, Vice President, General Manager, U.S. e-commerce puts it best -

"Mobile phones are an integral part of busy moms' and dads' lifestyles, and we are always looking for exciting new ways to engage and present them with the most streamlined, on-the-go shopping solutions.

Expanding our mobile offerings to include coupon barcode scanning and mobile messaging allows us to build stronger relationships with our customers while providing added convenience."

Read more:

So for all those on-the-go parents looking for great deals delivered right to their cell phones, just text "TOYS" and/or "BABIES" to 30364. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Web 2.0 Summit 2010: Mary Meeker, "Internet Trends"

Mary Meeker is definitely somebody with some powerful insight. If you are curious about her thoughts on the mobile market watch this video

Using Traditional Media and Text Messaging Together

I was watching the Mavericks and Rockets play last night on FSSouthwest and came across a very cool campaign.  It looks like On The Border is teaming up with the Mavericks to give away some game tickets.  This is a great way to connect with fans of the Mavericks and On The Border.  I would love to get some tickets to a Mavericks game so I sent "OTBMAVS" to "777111".  The only problem was that I didn't receive anything back, so I don't know if my information was received or if the campaign is still valid.  I can't imagine them showing this during the game if it wasn't, so hopefully I can win those tickets!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Best Buy using Text Messaging for Product Information

I was in Best Buy over the Thanksgiving weekend and came across the new Sony Google Internet TV.  It is really impressive and what really caught my attention was how they are using text messaging to deliver product information.  If you are interested in receiving more information text "1275675" to "332211".  Yes you can read the information on the label but its nice to read it on your phone as well. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

FREE LASIK for texting???

I listen to Kidd Kraddick in the Morning and Big Al and Kelli have been promoting a pretty interesting text campaign involving LASIK surgery.  Basically you text "winwin" to "51737" and you can win a free procedure if you are chosen.  Key-Whitman Eye Center is running the campaign and its a great way to increase their prospect list.  If people are interested in free LASIK surgery they are probably interested in paying for it if they don't win. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

SMS Marketing?

I have had several conversations with my wife about whether companies should be more interested in creating a "app" or using SMS.  I am a firm believer in the power of text or SMS.  Mashable just published an article - Why SMS Marketing Still Makes Sense for Small Business, and it was really interesting.  We carry our phones with us everywhere, and we feel completely lost when it is not with us.  It is intimate and because of that reason an incoming SMS message usually means something to us.  We want to read it and and more than likely reply immediately.  How many other forms of communication create that same sense of intimacy or urgency?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

LAZ Parking using Texting for Recruiting?

Anybody interested in a valet job?  Check out LAZ Parking!!  Actually you can text "LAZValet" to "HireMe" and find out more about their Valet Jobs they currently have available.  This is a great way to connect with candidates, especially since they can advertise this information in so many places.  If you are looking for a job in the DFW area send them a text!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mobile Technology and the DFW Housing Industry

DFW is a great market for the mobile community.  It is a huge market and people always seem to be on their cell phones, even when you are driving past them.  A recent report by Trulia found on Mashable has shown why those in the DFW real estate business should make it a priority to have their websites optimized for a mobile experience.  Another cool company helping the housing sector is Drivebuy Technologies.  I was recently looking for a house and used the internet and my mobile phone to look at different houses.  It was irritating when you would drive by a house and no paper information was available.  I know if more homebuilders or realtors used this technology they would definitely see an increase in their business. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Daycares and Text messaging

I have two children in daycare and life is hectic when the weather is great.  When the weather is horrible and our daycare is closed for the day, nothing is worse than driving up and reading a sign that says the daycare is closed for the day.  Yes, many of them post it on their website or even have the local news announce their closure, BUT I would personally like a text message from my daycare announcing their closure so we can prepare for the rest of the day.  They could even use a text messaging service like Ez Texting to let parents know about picture day, special events, or anything else they want parents to know.  I am sure they would notice an increase in participation and ultimately a more engaged parent. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My own ribbon blanket

My papa's cousins wife (Katie Torres) made this awesome blanket with little ribbons. I first laid eyes on Rykers in Arizona and we fought over it so Katie made one just for me. I love it!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dancing with Papa

My papa makes my mom and me clean the house on Saturday morning but its ok because momma makes him go outside to pull weeds!! We were listening to music and dancing, I love dancing with him! The top video shows us dancing. The bottom video shows me watching him work!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Watching Ducks

It was a beautiful day in the park today. My parents were packing our apartment getting it ready for our house, so my grandma took me to the park to chase and watch the ducks. We had a lot of fun just relaxing on the bench. You should have seen how close I got to those ducks!! Weather was beautiful, the park was fun, and I got to hang out! What more could a girl ask for?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Almost Riding...

Well I can't pedal yet but I really liked trying. I was having a good time on this tricycle from school. If you look closely you can tell I have a scratch on my nose from chasing a boy. He went down the slide face first and I wanted to show him that I could too, but it didn't really work that way. He didn't tell me you can't land on your face. I guess this is my first lesson on why boys are bad!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

I love when my parents pick me up!!!

My parents love picking me up because I run to them and I don't care who is my way. We all have to sit and wait for our parents to pick us up so I am always anxious to see my parents.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ash Wednesday

It has been a long time since I have posted something on my blog, so enjoy this picture of me with my first Ashes! I am going to give up waking up in the middle of the night for lent this year, my parents will really like that one! I hope everybody is doing well.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Whats going on in my life.....

Hello everybody! Keep checking out the videos my papa post on our channel. Here are some things I am doing in my life know:
  • I say uh oh, Papa, Momma, that, and I love to scream
  • I am in the 1 year old class at daycare
  • My Tia Marissa is coming to see me next weekend
  • I am sleeping in my crib and going to sleep on my own!!! My parents love this!!!
Love everybody and keep watching my videos.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bath Time!!

I love bath time its so much fun. Now I can play with all the toys and give myself mohawks! Enjoy this video and I love everybody. Plus I have great news.......I am sleeping in my crib!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Torres???

Ok so my parents are talking about a brother/sister that I should be expecting around August 20th. I really don't know what to think but it will be somebody new I can play with I guess. I guess the count down has begun on my days as an only child. I will start practicing my bossy big sister attitude!