Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The next Osmond's???

Ariana and "The Baby" just might be the next Donnie and Marie Osmond. Except they will be the Mexican version.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cool Wedding Picture

Look at this fabulous family! This was a really cool picture we took at Mike and Rachaels wedding a couple of weeks ago. Great to see all the family, and truly a classic family wedding.

Have you seen my Cheerio?

Where is the Cheerio? He was eating some and this one got stuck in a perfect place. This made us laugh so enjoy!!!!

My Stunner Shades!!!

Ariana loves her new "Stunner Shades" and she loves Ice Pops. Everyday after school she comes home and gets to have 1 or 2 or 3......depending on how many Papa lets her have.

Friday, July 1, 2011

J-Lo has nothing on J-Law

My cousin is an awesome salsa dancer and her husband has moves for days! Salsa dancing is a lot of fun to watch, especially when they are good. This was from my cousin Rachael's wedding this past Saturday.