Sunday, March 14, 2010

Watching Ducks

It was a beautiful day in the park today. My parents were packing our apartment getting it ready for our house, so my grandma took me to the park to chase and watch the ducks. We had a lot of fun just relaxing on the bench. You should have seen how close I got to those ducks!! Weather was beautiful, the park was fun, and I got to hang out! What more could a girl ask for?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Almost Riding...

Well I can't pedal yet but I really liked trying. I was having a good time on this tricycle from school. If you look closely you can tell I have a scratch on my nose from chasing a boy. He went down the slide face first and I wanted to show him that I could too, but it didn't really work that way. He didn't tell me you can't land on your face. I guess this is my first lesson on why boys are bad!!