Monday, November 23, 2009

The View - Kid Kountry Style

So me and the ladies have our own version of "The View" at Kidd Kountry (thats my daycare). Today's topic- what kind of food can you eat now? Enjoy and tomorrow we are going to be talking about what this whole Thanksgiving thing is that our parents are talking about.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

11 months, not years

Look at me! 11 months old today, I sure look good don't I! So I can stand on my own now, but still working on that whole moving the feet thing. I can even clap too! Do you like my pajamas? One more month until the big 1.

Happy Birthday Tio Alexis!

Yes, his birthday was on Friday the 13th, and yes this is a little late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIO ALEXIS!! I wrote you a card and its too big to send in the mail. Love you and can't wait to see you!!

Monday, November 9, 2009


My mama loves this picture!!! She took about 50 pictures to finally get this one. This hat is my papa's and I like to wear it when he lets me. How do I look?

Praying for Arizona!!

My papa asked me to say a prayer for the Arizona Wildcats, so I decided to say one for them out on the grass. They won big time and I think it was because of me. They have been doing really good this year and I hope they keep winning because my papa is in a better mood!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Fairy Princess

I was a fairy princess for my first Halloween. My grandma loved it and we were both having a good time. My grandma is so funny because she wanted to make sure every kid that came by got some candy, ask my mom what happens when you pass out to much candy!!!

Slippin on

My momma loves this picture and tells everybody about this. She laughs because I just decided to kind of slide down the stairs. This was my halloween outfit and we had a good time passing out candy!