Monday, June 29, 2009 I really love my Papa!!

I literally have him wrapped around me. I have been a little fussy lately but he gives me so much comfort.

Look at my bow!

So what do you think? Do you like it? My papa was playing volleyball and I was just laying on the mat working on my tan. I still need some work. As you can see I can now hold my head up with some good control. If you like that bow call me, my momma can make them. I love everybody and have a great day!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fathers Day!!

So we took my Papa out to Pappadeaux's for his 1st Father's Day!! I got to sit at the table with my parent's for a little while. I also got to sit on my Papa's lap at church today instead of laying in my car seat! I hope my Papa enjoyed his first fathers day, especially since it's all because of me. I love you Papa!!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I'm a ninja!!

AWWWW you found me. I was trying to hide from my parents. I think the pink blanket gave me away. I almost got away with it. If anybody wants to play hide and seek call me!

Baby Food???

It's going to take me awhile to get used to carrots! I don't know why my parents have to start feeding me this stuff? Did I do something wrong? I was doing so fine with milk. Look at me, I'm all dirty. I hope this gets better soon!!!

More cousins

These are my Tio Gabe's kids (my cousins). Samantha was born a couple of months before me and I don't know how she got so big?! I love hanging out with them every chance we get. My momma looks hot!!