Monday, May 25, 2009

3 of a kind!!

Check us Torres girls out!!!  We had no idea we were all going to wear the same thing, but we did.  Lexi, Lily, and Me were hanging out inside the house after we went swimming.  I think us girls are going to have a real fun time when we can actually communicate with each other.  We are going to rule DFW!!  Lexi and ya and can't wait to see you girls next time!!

I love swimming!!!

Oh yeah....check me out!!  This whole swimming thing isn't too bad. New bathing suit...check. Sunglasses...check.  Hat....check.  The weather was perfect and the water was warm.  I can definitely get used to doing this some more this summer!!  Catch you out at the pool, I'm the one with strawberry bathing suit!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm 5 months today!!!

I was feeling a little sassy today so I put on my glasses and gold sandals.  My momma loves them.  Don't you just love my skirt!!  It was a beautiful day so I got to lay out at the pool with my cousins.  My papa even put my legs in the pool, maybe next week I will go all the way in.  Papa has to take me and Momma to the store so we can get our bathing suits, I can't wait to wear mine.  Well, I am 5 months today and I have just been happy about everything in my life.  I love everybody and have we will see you soon!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Do you need directions??

My papa thinks I should start working so if you need directions let me know.  If you need directions call my mom or papa, I don't have a cell phone yet.  I would only be able to get you around the Dallas Arboretum because thats the only map I have.  I look forward to your business!!!   

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Check out my family!!

This picture was taken at the Dallas Arboretum on my mama's first Mother's Day!  It was really hot outside but I love this picture of us.  I even decided to smile for the camera.  We took a lot of pictures.  I can't wait to get older so that I can run around and play in all the flowers.  We love everybody and once again Happy Mother's Day!!!

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!!!  I want to send out a quick shoutout to my mama...I love you and thank you for being an amazing mother.  She is always there for me at night when I am not sleeping well.  She is always there for me when I need food.  She is always there for me when I need to get changed.  Basically she is amazing and I love her so much.  I hope you enjoy your very first Mother's Day!!  I hope you enjoy the day Papa has planned for you, he told me about some of the things but I am not going to tell you!!! I also wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to my grandma's and all the amazing women who have contributed to my life.  LOVE YOU!! 

Friday, May 8, 2009

My Crib

So my parents have me sleeping in my crib now. They have this camera that just sits there watching me all the time. I just look at the green light because it's really cool. We are going to do a lot of things this weekend. I made momma a card for Mother's Day. I made it with paint and my hands. We finally have cable and internet set up at my house so you will see me blogging more. Love yall!!!